State of hydration in athletes of combat sports during the loss of body weight

  • Antonio André Jarsen Pereira Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo-SP, Brasil
  • Dulce Elena Casarini Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo-SP, Brasil
Keywords: Dehydration, Fights, Body mass loss


Introduction: Combat sports increasingly infiltrate society, stimulating strategies for preserving the physical integrity of fighters, such as the division of categories by weight. During the Weight Cycling, some athletes use the acute water loss for insertion into lower categories. Objective: To verify the state of hydration in combat sports athletes during the loss of body weight. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of nine MMA fighters and seven Muay Thai fighters. The data were collected 30 days before the fight, on the weighing day and on the day of the fight. The hydration status was verified from the body weight (%), color and density of the urine. Discussion: Even with organizations 'intent to protect athletes' physical integrity, some fighters manipulate body weight. Decreased glomerular filtration rate induced by dehydration may trigger a network of future health problems for these individuals. One of the main complications is Chronic Kidney Disease. Results: According to urine staining, 88.8% (MMA) and 100% (Muay Thai) were found to have some level of dehydration, 100% (MMA) and 62.5% (Muay Thai) were not hydrated according to urine density, and 88.8% (MMA) and 85.7% (Muay Thai) were also dehydrated. Conclusion: We demonstrate the high rate of fighters in some state of dehydration, evidencing the emerging need for attention and care through the professionals responsible for the Weight Cycling.


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How to Cite
Pereira, A. A. J., & Casarini, D. E. (2019). State of hydration in athletes of combat sports during the loss of body weight. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 13(79), 364-372. Retrieved from
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