The association between nutritional orientation and weight exercise for muscle hypertrophy.

  • Andréia Andrade da Silva Universidade do Grande Rio - UNIGRANRIO
  • Nathália Silva Lemos Nogueira da Fonseca Universidade do Grande Rio - UNIGRANRIO
  • Luiz Claudio Gagliardo Universidade do Grande Rio - UNIGRANRIO
Keywords: Food, Anthropometry, Motor activity, Resistance training


The regular practice of physical exercises, linked to healthy eating, is increasingly associated with better quality of life, taking people to gyms for bodybuilding by promoting reduction of body fat and muscle hypertrophy. The research aimed to analyze the relationship of nutritional guidance to strength exercise on muscular hypertrophy of 30 bodybuilders of a gym in the city of Belford Roxo-RJ. An anthropometric assessment was conducted for three consecutive months and the evaluation of eating habits was through a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) applied at the beginning and end of the study.The sample was equally divided into the Group A (Control) and Group B (Experimental) which received the guidelines.The IMC revealed that 46.67% of Group A and 66.67% of Group B were eutrophic. In the latest assessment, the TSF of both groups presented 93.33% of eutrophy. In Group B, the percentage of AC with risk for malnutrition was changed to eutrophy and the percentage of individuals with muscular developed remained 26.67% and in the group A there was a decrease. TheGroup B began to consume more fiber and unsaturated lipids daily. The consumption of carbohydrates and proteins of the groups proved to be relevant. In Group B, the reduced consumption of saturated fats and the exercise may have influenced the reduction of TSF and BMI in this group. It was concluded that healthy eating acquired through an adequate nutritional orientation was essential to the positive changes in anthropometry of the individuals.


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How to Cite
Andrade da Silva, A., Silva Lemos Nogueira da Fonseca, N., & Gagliardo, L. C. (2012). The association between nutritional orientation and weight exercise for muscle hypertrophy. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 6(35). Retrieved from
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