Evaluation of nutritional influence in athletics, swimming and soccer activities from Brazil Air Force Academy: an approach using Focus Group

  • Manoela Alves Pires Air Force Academy of Brazil
  • Iasmine Medeiros Domingos Air Force Academy of Brazil
Keywords: Sports nutrition, Air Force Cadel, Pre workout, After training


Because of the coercion of aesthetic standards presented by the society nowadays and the demand for fitness by the militaries and sports activities of the Brazil Air Force Academy, many cadets feel that they need to intake diets and consume supplements to enhance work in bodybuilding activity. This study aimed to evaluate and analyze the level of knowledge about nutrition for bodybuilders cadets from AFA. A research was made with 156 cadets' practitioners of this activity. The results showed that the cadets have a good idea about how to feed themselves meeting the needs of the body during the day. However, was observed that some care in nutrition focused on weight training were not observed in a significant portion of the cadets, especially regarding the use of supplements and nutrient supply to enhance protein synthesis in some periods of the day. A nutritional guidance for further clarification regarding the use of supplements and best diet direction is needed due to some demands that this activity requires.

Author Biography

Manoela Alves Pires, Air Force Academy of Brazil

Oficial do Magistério em Quí­mica

Gradução em Quí­mica Bacharel e Licenciatura

Mestrado em Ciências da Engenharia de Alimentos pela FZEA/USP

Doutoranda em Ciências da Engenharia de Alimentos pela FZEA/USP


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How to Cite
Pires, M. A., & Domingos, I. M. (2019). Evaluation of nutritional influence in athletics, swimming and soccer activities from Brazil Air Force Academy: an approach using Focus Group. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 13(80), 475-483. Retrieved from https://www.rbne.com.br/index.php/rbne/article/view/1382
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